About Sofia Klof
Sofia Klof is a holistic health coach based in Los Angeles, California. She’s always had a deep lifelong passion for health, the science of nutrition, and overall wellness. After experiencing her own chronic health issues, she deep-dove into the world of nutrition further, trying to self cure, with the assistance of doctors and holistic practitioners. She went from having 25 migraines a month, multiple gut health issues, and chronic fatigue to mostly migraine free months, a healthy gut, and more energy than she’s ever had. Eager to help more people who have suffered like her she quit her Marketing job and decided to enroll into the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to become a certified health coach. Her passion in life is to help others who have suffered from chronic pain or just want to learn how to incorporate healthy eating into their lifestyle. Many times, our relationship with food, our bodies, and even our minds, can prevent us from living our lives as fully as we deserve. Sofia believes that a healthy diet can not only help us prevent disease but help us reach our highest potential in every aspect of life.